ACCOUNTABILITY & TRANSPARENCY. Peace Gospel International is committed to being transparent and accountable to our donors.
We have achieved Platinum level status (the highest level) with Candid, the premier source for nonprofit information and transparency. As a Candid participant, we use their platform to share a wealth of up-to-date information about our work with our supporters.
We are also rated as a 4-star charity on Charity Navigator, who states that their comprehensive ratings “shine a light on the cost-effectiveness and overall health of a charity’s programs, including measures of stability, efficiency, and sustainability”.
Click here to review our Candid profile and access our Form 990.
Click here to review our Charity Navigator profile.
GOVERNANCE. We are governed by a Board of Directors who meet at least 9 times annually to guide the organization in reaching its mission, and to approve all budget items, fund raising practices, and accounting procedures sufficient to safeguard our finances.
Chris Mahaffey, Chair
Kirby Trapolino, Executive Director
Bryan Pate, Secretary
Aaron Senseman, Treasurer
Kim Chang
Eric Chiang
David Jetter
Melanie Leslie
Jeff Miller
Timothy Thompson, Jr.
Dan Westcott
Chin Yu
Wesley Yuan