Growth 2008 – 2025
In 2008 we partnered with a local Nepali family desiring to change lives among the undervalued and neglected of their society. Together we launched a new orphan home, a rehabilitation home for trafficking survivors, and a farmland enterprise to support these programs.
Our “She Has Hope” Rehabilitation Home and Trade School is providing trauma recovery for survivors of human trafficking. They are given secure housing, nutritious fresh-cooked meals, medical care, and courses designed to equip them with marketable skills or small business capabilities, along with practical knowledge such as modern gardening techniques, cooking classes, and literacy support. You can learn more about our trafficking response programs and purchase crafts made by survivors to support their program at
Our Nepal team also operates a “Children’s Hope Center” program which provides education scholarships, school supplies, uniforms, and nutritional support for orphans and at-risk children, helping them and their families to break the cycle of poverty by keeping them in school. This also reduces their risk of being trafficked.
While our farmland is currently up for sale as we look for land with better irrigation, it has provided several tons of produce for our programs along with profits to help fund our work. While the farmland is in transition, our current gardening project is producing a steady flow of fresh organic vegetables for our trafficking survivors.
Our Nepal orphan home was in operation from 2008 through 2023. A total of 28 children have come through the home. Some have been with us from the beginning and are now in their college experiences– in which we continue to guide and support them– or have actually moved on into the workplace as productive adult citizens!
Read recent stories of impact from our Nepal programs:
Celebrate your generosity multiplied: 2024 impact report reveals over 1600 lives transformed, more than 1 million meals served
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Double your impact: $110,000 matching fund to boost orphan and survivor programs worldwide
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October highlights: see the joy and hope you’ve brought in the lives of children in our roundup of photos from the field
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Celebrating Success: an encouraging roundup of summer updates from our programs
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On a typical day in our programs, many “overnight” successes revealed from Uganda to the Philippines
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