Celebrate your generosity multiplied: 2024 impact report reveals over 1600 lives transformed, more than 1 million meals served

Today, we’re so grateful upon reviewing the past year as we get to share with you our collective achievements!

2024 has been a year marked by many success stories along with sustainable growth in the scope of our reach.

This year has also certainly been one of nourishment: each and every day you helped us provide over 3,000 freshly-cooked meals and 3,000 servings of clean water to the women and children in our programs for well over 1 million meals served.

We’re thrilled to present you with your 2024 Year-End Impact Report below!

We’re deeply thankful for your support and for God’s grace, which has sustained our field staff, volunteers, and over 1,600 women and children who rely on our programs for their security, rehabilitation, nutrition, and education.

FUNDING. Year-to-date, over $750,000 has been raised in support of orphans, trafficking survivors and child labor victims at 22 project locations. This was multiplied further in our small business and farmland efforts as cited later in this report.

MEALS. Approximately 1.1 MILLION fresh meals (over 3,000/day) were served to children and staff in need thanks to your generosity and the multiplying effect of our farms and gardens.

ORPHAN CARE. 570 orphans were provided a loving home environment, education, and nutrition consistently throughout the year, up 23 from last year.

EMERGENCY RESPONSE. A record-breaking 627 medical emergencies for women and children in our programs were immediately covered without the need for special fundraisers thanks to your generous support of our 2023 year-end campaign! The majority of these cases were among our Uganda students suffering from tropical diseases.

MULTIPLICATION. Your “seed” funding was multiplied to produce a record-breaking 63.2 tons of food on our farmlands, fisheries, and hen houses, providing operating income and fresh ingredients for our children’s meals.

GIRL GRADUATES. In our She Has Hope human trafficking response programs, 98 girls received their high school diplomas, and 53 received college or trade school diplomas!

EDUCATION. You helped us see a record-breaking 1,698 scholarships provided in 2024, saving children from hazardous child labor or trafficking at our 9 resident homes, 8 Hope Centers, and 2 schools, and a further 144 scholarships provided for students at our 5 trade schools.

IMPROVEMENTS. Wow! We saw many major improvements in 2024 thanks to your support:

1️⃣ Our Philippines Girls Home & Hope Center is enjoying their new kitchen along with completed expansion and renovations.

2️⃣ Our main Myanmar campus has a new 2,300 foot perimeter security wall and entry gate— a major necessity during such tense times in the country (picture below).

3️⃣ We have a newly renovated and expanded computer lab at our Uganda boarding high school!

4️⃣ We finished out the second floor at our Manila, Philippines Children’s Hope Center, which is serving 62 at-risk children.

5️⃣ We were able to purchase seven acres of adjacent land at our Uganda boarding high school & farmland, drastically expanding our farmland and giving us a new athletic field space currently in development.

SUCCESSFUL FUNDRAISERS. Our annual gala, “A Taste of Hope” raised over $105,000 for our programs in one night.

Thanks to your support, my “24 Hour Photo Project” in Manila, Philippines raised over $12,000 in one day along with awareness among tens of thousands who saw my photos and live videos talking about She Has Hope.

TRAFFICKING RESPONSE. We saw many breakthroughs in our human trafficking response programs such as 28 girls enrolled in our rehabilitation home and trade school in Nepal, and 18 women enrolled in our India trade school’s second year of operation.

57 women were enrolled in our Uganda trade school, and 5 women were enrolled in our Philippines trade school. Hundreds of girls across all of our program locations were trained in trafficking avoidance workshops.

MAJOR RECOGNITIONS. For the 14th year in a row, we’ve been awarded Platinum level status (their highest level) by Candid, the premier source for nonprofit information and transparency.

We were again rated a 5-star charity at Great Non-Profits this year, and received Charity Navigator’s top (4-star) rating for the 3rd year running.

2024 YEAR-END CAMPAIGN. If we can reach our year-end goal, we’ll be able to make major improvements to our Uganda and Philippines farmlands, and replenish our emergency fund to achieve other objectives outlined in our campaign.

Here’s the artist’s visualization of the proposed water catchment and irrigation system at our Uganda farmland!

We’re profoundly grateful for your friendship and support throughout 2024— truly, we couldn’t have achieved this without you.

Take Action: give hope and donate to our 2024 year-end goal