
  • Farmland profits expand education outreach to slum children

    Photo: A girl rescued from extreme poverty is happy to show us her new uniform and backpack. She’s ready for school!

    We’re happy to report that children of the Thapathali slum colony in Kathmandu, Nepal, recently received new backpacks, uniforms, and education scholarships, which have enabled them to attend local schools in the city. Focusing our efforts on getting them into school is a key component in breaking the cycle of extreme poverty, and gives them great hope and an opportunity to change their lives. Our education program, now in its second year, is growing and these achievements are a significant step in the process.

  • New small-scale fishery project launched; profits to fund outreach program

    Photo: Our Philippines Director is happy to show us the “mother fish” that will multiply into an abundant harvest in 6 months’ time.

    We’re very excited to announce that our new small-scale fishery project has now been completed on the island of Cebu in the Philippines. The new concrete-lined pond holds a volume of approximately 20,000 gallons (75,000 liters) of fresh water pumped from our on-campus well. The fishery is located on our existing campus on Cebu. Also on the same property is our hen house which produces over 20 dozen eggs daily, and a banana grove that yields over 6,000 bananas annually.

  • India team partners with government, establishes scholarships to fight child marriage

    Photo: Orphan girls rescued from child labor situations are well on their way to recovery at our girls home.

    Yesterday our India team hosted a public seminar to explain the legal rights of minor girls and to heighten awareness of the illegal and dangerous nature of child marriage. Motivated by extreme cultural pressures, relatives of our Indian orphan girls often try to claim legal rights to withdraw the girls from the orphanage as early as age 12 or 13 with the hidden motive of arranging for their marriages. Thus we invited and paid transportation for many of these relatives to attend, to hear directly from government representatives about the illegal practice of child marriage.

  • Despite being underfunded, Uganda elementary school perseveres in difficult circumstances

    Photo: Children at our elementary school gather under a tree for class, as our current facility does not offer enough space to meet the demand for local education.

    Without our school these children would otherwise have no education opportunities within a reasonable distance of their village. Two years ago we acquired this land, launched the school with a temporary shelter, and began a fundraiser to build a proper facility. The fundraiser has made some strides but the goal is not yet met, and now the school faces closure if we do not act soon.

  • Over 5,000 girls trained how to avoid deceptions of human traffickers

    Photo: One of the many schools our staff have visited to inform girls on the dangers of human trafficking and how to protect themselves.

    Each year over 12,000 Nepalese girls as young as age 7 are trafficked across the Nepal-India border, mostly into Indian brothels. Many are from families who were tricked into believing there was an attractive job awaiting them in the big city. Others are lured to run away by young men who promise the girls various material possessions, leading them to believe they’re in love with them and want to take them home to India. Our teams are training girls how to spot such tactics and what to do when they suspect traffickers are visiting their towns and villages.

  • Philippines team continues typhoon recovery plan with help of improved hen house

    Photo: Students at our main campus are happy to show you eggs yielded from the newly renovated hen house.

    In November we brought you news of Typhoon Hayan, one of the worst storms in history, making a direct hit to the island on which our native team faithfully operates. We had told you we committed to helping 21 families who had lost everything. Thanks to your support, work is coming along and we’re helping these families to slowly rebuild and get their lives back together. One thing that has helped provide these families with sustenance is the steady flow of eggs from our hen house, allowing an important high-protein ingredient in their diets.

  • Children’s Hope Center in Hyderabad enjoys several improvements

    Photo: Students rescued from child labor enjoying the newly improved computer lab and classroom space.

    In one of the world’s most populous and fastest-growing cities—Hyderabad, India—there’s a slum colony situated on the edge of one of the city’s major landfills. In this colony made up of make-shift homes pieced together from discarded vinyl ad banners, tattered tarps and sticks, stands one permanent facility. This facility is The Children’s Hope Center, which exists to provide children a way out of child labor through education and nutrition.

  • New land acquired for Manila slum outreach center, new facility to be built

    Photo: Children in our Manila slum outreach education program enjoy after-school activities including computer literacy classes.

    Deep in the heart of one of Manila’s most hazardous slums, our children’s outreach center is shining the light brightly into the darkness of child labor and malnutrition. Situated on the edge of a huge city landfill, the Payatas Colony is a living nightmare where children play in contaminated drainage and are working in unthinkable, hazardous conditions as young as age 5.

  • Over 40 children rescued from child labor at our slum outreach education center

    Photo: A reason to be joyful! Girls rescued from a life of child labor in the slums are being equipped for a life of hope—at our Children’s Hope Center in Hyderabad.

    As a lesser-known but massive city with a population of almost 8 million, the South Indian metropolis of Hyderabad faces extreme infrastructure and poverty challenges. With an urbanization rate bringing tens of thousands of new residents into the city each month, there is simply not enough affordable housing to keep up.

  • Orphanage building fundraiser a success, new home construction begins soon

    Photo: Boys at our orphanage home are excited about the news of a new, vastly improved home soon to be under construction.

    We’re extremely happy to announce that funds have been raised for a new orphanage home on our Uganda campus. The home is currently located in a dilapidated rental facility that is off-campus and inadequate. The funds provided will allow for the construction of a vastly improved home, one with proper space, electrical connections for a future solar array, and direct access to our water well, medical clinic and school on our main campus.

  • Girls Home expansion fully funded, work on next phase already underway; thank you!

    Photo: Girls who were once orphans trapped in child labor, now free, safe and full of hope at our India Girls Home.

    This summer we had announced that, due to increased enrollment at our Girls Home, we needed to expand our facilities and improve security. Slowly but surely over the course of the last few months, funds were provided and just last week we met our goal of $43,500. The girls received it as quite a Christmas present and are very thankful for your support.